Sketches before Processing.

Braille on Processing.
Processing is a program with Grid system,
for doing Braille languages on Processing,
I need to calculate the right position of the dots, where those dots appear on the screen.

In order to do it successfully,
It was a good plan to sketch the dots on paper on a grid at first, then try to code on Processing.

Try to write words with positive words.
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My first attempt to do Braille Postcard by hands
back side
back side

Sketches on Processing
Writing Braille by hands, need to gauge the exact distance between dots to dots.
0.5cm / 1cm
I used the top of my pen to press those dots on paper. The words need to be written as the opposite side, like reflection.
(1)gorgeous (2)Strong (3)lively
Write something meaningful
I see colours marvelously.
In Cantonese:
I see colours marvelously.
ngo hon gin bat ping faan dik sik choi.
Chinese Braille written in Pinyin.
By changing the code in Processing:

But it's hard to read for a post card.
Put the words in one line is easier to read.
More Sketches click here!
More Sketches click here!
Learn Braille!
Click here!
See colour chart!
Click here!